Business Improvements

Improving a business comes in various guises. Business improvements can be

  • Team building

  • understanding IT financials

  • Building a knowledge base

  • Security improvements

  • Successfully defending IT Infrastructure

  • Shadow IT and how to avoid it

  • Improving Inter-team communications

  • Asset Management

  • Migration planing

Building a Knowledge Base

This workshop showcases the benefits and security issues of establishing a knowledge base. It includes discussions about the different tools that can be used as well as roll-based access, what information can be stored and how it needs to be protected. This also plays into ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 standards.

  • Create Operational Teams

  • Documentation and Traning

  • Retention of personnel

  • Disaster Strategies

Here is a list of popular workshops. All workshops can be customized to the needs of customers and participants. They can be delivered on-site or remotely, as well as in English or German.

Defence and Security Basics

IT security is a vital topic that managers need to understand, and this workshop delves into, the latest threats and how to build a team that can successfully defend a modern on-site and Cloud-based infrastructure. This includes LiDR strategies, RPO and RTO timelines as well as governmental regulations.

Disaster Recovery Basics

Targeted towards Managers who need to deep-dive how to plan, manage and lead a disaster recovery scenario. This workshop also includes aspects of documentation, security access, password management and especially the after-DR cleanup.

Asset management

It is essentially important for a business to understand what they have, where it is and who owns it. Asset management is taking a key part in these efforts. This workshop discusses the various tools on the market, the collection methods and how to use asset management to improve alarming and notifications.